Tuesday, June 26, 2007

iPhone madess begins... 4 days ahead of time

This successful-looking guy, Greg Packer, is already waiting in line in NYC for the iPhone, which goes on sale at 6pm on FRIDAY. So, seeing as how he's been there since early Monday, at 5am, which means he'll be waiting for 4 1/2 days to get the thing, I'd have to seriously question his sanity (and also whether or not he is employed).

Still, you have to respect his dedication. Check out Packer's blog. From there, you can link to his MySpace page, which is sort of weird to say the least. Or you can even call him on his cell phone number (which he lists on the blog), where you can speak with him as he waits in line, and encourage him and/or make fun of him. Well, I guess mostly you should make fun of him. But that's really up to you.

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