Friday, April 13, 2007

Evan Weighs In

I'm a racist, but it's okay, because I'm black
This story has gotten completely out of control. When I first heard about my thoughts were something like, "wow, the media is going to make a huge deal out of this." Shockingly, I was right.

But I'm not here to write about the media. I don't have the time to point out everything wrong there. Instead, I'm writing about the people who won't let this story die, Al Sharpton and, to a lesser degree, Jesse Jackson.

The "reverend," who may or may not have ever conducted a religious ceremony, represents everything that is wrong with race relations in our country. Is there a better example of a hypocrite who preaches tolerance but practices discrimination on a daily basis? As soon as he heard that a white radio host made a stupid, insensitive remark about a group of black women he no doubt was sexually arroused.

Al Sharpton hates white people, but for some reason that is acceptable and he is portrayed as a hero. Don Imus does not hate black people, but he is now an unemployed villian. Seems fair.

For a better take on this, check out Jason Whitlock's outstanding article. He does a great job summarizing the hypocrisy and skewed priorities that exist among our country's African-American "leaders."

1 comment:

David said...

Agree completely. What a joke this is. Imus was barely a blip on my radar before this and now I think I may be his biggest supporter in the world. Where is the "Rev." Al Sharpton apologizing to the Duke Lax players? Where is Jesse Jackson calling Jews "hymies." The selectivity of this situation, and the unbelievable railroad job given to Imus is shameful. Wake up America, you fucking morons.